1. |
Drawing showing dimensional data and shell thickness |
2. |
Data Report |
3. |
Manufacturer’s Data Report is not available then the following
information is required: |
a. |
Original Code of Construction
including Edition and applicable Addenda |
b. |
Internal Design Pressure and
Temperature |
c. |
External Design Pressure and
Temperature |
d. |
Material - shell, head,
nozzle reinforcement pads |
e. |
Corrosion Allowance |
f. |
Joint efficiency factor (E) /
radiography requirements |
4. |
If PMCap
encapsulation component is in the vicinity of a nozzle, or for a nozzle
encapsulation, then provide Nozzle Loadings |
5. |
Required PMCap
material of construction if other than existing shell material. |
6. |
material requirements such as impact testing |
7. |
material - A stainless steel (weld Number P8) impingement barrier
liner is generally used but other materials such as low alloy steel
(CrMo) are available. |
8. |
If lap
are to be encapsulated, specify length, width, thickness, and
attachment fillet weld size of lap plates. |
9. |
area to be encapsulated by the PMCap or
Note: The following data is not
required if area encapsulated by the PMCap is
specified by owner. |
a. |
Latest NDE data of shell
thickness |
b. |
Total Service Hours at time of
inspection data – include Service hours at original operating
conditions and service hours at power uprate conditions if applicable. |
c. |
Power uprate (percentage
from original power rating) |
d. |
Required years of service after
repair is completed (specify if continued service is at original
operating conditions or at power uprate conditions). |